The shorcode will not enumerate pages within leaf pagebundles. Only branch pages are traversed
{{< children description=“true” >}}
stub branch pagebundle for children-1.
Branch pagebundle for children-2
👶🐯🐣 Children-3 Branch pagebundle. No description or summary.
Children-4 Leaf pagebundle. With two grandchildren subleaf pages
{{< children >}}
{{< children style=“h2” description=“true” >}}
{{< children style=“h3” description=“true” >}}
If the parameter showhidden is used, regardless of value, hidden pages will be listed:
{{< children depth=“4” showhidden=“0” >}}
{{< children depth=“4” >}}
{{< children style=“h2” depth=“4” description=“true” >}}
Branch pagebundle for grandchildren-2-1
branch pagebundle for GrandGhildren-2-2
Description of grand children-3-3 branch pagebundle
Description of great grand children-3-3-1 branch pagebundle
Description of grandchildren-3-1 Branch Pagebundle
Description of greatgrandchildren-3-1-1 Branch Pagebundle
Description of grandchildren-3-2 Branch pagebundle
Description of greatgrandchildren-3-2-1 Branch Pagebundle
{{< children style=“div” depth=“999” >}}
{{< children style=“div” depth=“999” description=“true” >}} ↩︎ ↩︎